%0 Journal Article %T 农地制度改革中的村治结构变迁<br>The Change of Village Governance Structure in China’s Farmland System Reform %A 王敬尧 %A 王承禹 %J 中国农业大学学报(社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 建国以来,我国农村土地经历了运动式的规模经营、家户制的个体经营和市场化的规模经营三次大的农业经营制度变迁,村庄治理结构也相应地发生了三次嬗变。农地规模经营背景下,内生型工商资本对村庄治理的影响具有多样性,而外来资本对村庄治理结构的冲击,使得村庄经历了治理主体的非对等性进出、治理资源的非均衡性流动和治理方式的非规范性建构。研究发现,村组织、地方政府和国家政策是影响现阶段村庄治理结构的重要变量。因此,本文拟从坚持村社自主性、健全利益协调机制、发展基层治理体制、优化惠农政策的实施细节、培育内生型新型经营主体和追踪总结试点经验几个方面提出改进建议,以回应村庄治理结构的变迁。<br>Since the founding of the PRC, China has experienced three major changes of the farmland management system:the People"s Commune stage, the household responsibility system stage and the farmland scale management stage, the village governance structure also has occurred three changes along with the process. In the context of the farmland scale management, the native agricultural enterprises have a complicated impact on the village governance structure, and the external capital have a great impact on the village governance structure, leading to pluralism of governance subject, unbalanced flow of governance resource and nonstandard establishment of governance style. The study found that village organizations, local governments and national policies are important variables that affect the village governance structure at this stage. Therefore, this paper puts forward some suggestions to improve the village governance structure from the aspects of adherence to the "village autonomy", the improvement of the interest coordination mechanisms, the development of the grassroots governance system, the optimization of the implementation details of the benefiting-agriculture policies, the cultivation of the native new agriculture management subjects and the follow-up of the pilot experience. %K 农地规模经营 村庄治理结构 农地制度 农业现代化< %K br> %K farmland scale management village governance structure farmland system agricultural modernization %U http://zgnydxsk.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=201709058&flag=1