%0 Journal Article %T 汉坦病毒传播模型行波解的存在性<br>Existence of traveling wave solutions for hantavirus transmission model %A 马霞 %A 姚美萍< %A br> %A MA Xia %A YAO Mei-ping %J 山东大学学报(理学版) %D 2018 %R 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2018.227 %X 摘要: 考虑了具有扩散-反应的汉坦病毒传播模型。 利用Schauder不动点定理证明了模型行波解的存在性且给出了最小波速。 通过构造负单边拉普拉斯证明了行波解的不存在性。<br>Abstract: In this paper, we consider a diffusion-reaction model for the spread of hantavirus. The existence of traveling wave solutions is obtained by Schauders fixed point theorem and the minimal wave speed is given. The nonexistence of traveling wave solutions is obtained by introducing a negative one-sided Laplace transform %K 汉坦病毒传播模型 %K 行波解 %K 最小波速 %K < %K br> %K hantavirus transmission model %K traveling wave solution %K minimal wave speed %U http://lxbwk.njournal.sdu.edu.cn/CN/10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2018.227