%0 Journal Article %T 明文话叙录 %A 陈广宏 %A 龚宗杰 %J 复旦学报(社会科学版) %D 2016 %X 文话及其相关著述,是我国古代文章之学不可或缺的资源。然自现代人文学科建立以来,有关传统文话的整理与研究,与诗话所取得的成就相比严重滞后,并未被作为中国文学批评建设的重要组成部分而获足够重视。这样的局面,至上世纪90年代才渐有改变,尤其王水照先生主编《历代文话》的纂成、刊行,在中国古代文章学研究领域发挥越来越显著的作用。该领域取得的进展昭示我们,断代文话著述的整理与汇纂,亦应提上议事日程。就明文话著述而言,文献繁杂,基础薄弱,做好穷尽性的目录调查、清理工作是当务之急。本文即在全面搜辑、甄辨的基础上,首次为有明一代文话著述作一归总叙录。</br>Abstract:The notes on prose and the related studying works are indispensable resources for Chinese ancient theory of prose. However, since the establishment of modern humanities discipline, compared with the achievements of poetry studies, the collation and study of ancient notes on prose were lagging behind: it had been paid insufficient attention as an important part of the construction of Chinese literary criticism. Such a situation was not changed till 1990s when The Notes on Prose Through the Ages edited by Wang Shuizhao was published, which played an increasing important role in the field of the theory of prose. This achievement indicates that the compilation of the works on the notes should be also put on the schedule. The top priority is to investigate and identify the catalogues of such works for the texts are miscellaneous and unsystematic. This essay aims to make a descriptive catalogue of the works studying of the notes on prose in the Ming Dynasty based on a comprehensive complication and identification. %K 明代文话 %K 文献整理 %K 文章学研究< %K /br> %K notes on prose %K complication and identification on text %K theory of prose %U http://www.fdwkxb.fudan.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract1620.shtml