%0 Journal Article %T 基于遗传算法的试验计划总完工时间极小化模型设计与实现
Design and Implementation of the Total Completion Time Minimization Model of Test Plan Based on Genetic Algorithm %A 赵红武 %A 黄小瑜 %A 史亚斌 %A 秦彪 %A 王东 %A 丁懿 %J Hans Journal of Data Mining %P 116-124 %@ 2163-1468 %D 2016 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJDM.2016.63014 %X
With the rise of the Internet of things and big data analysis technology, more and more enterprises transform from the traditional manufacturing industry to intellectualization to achieve industrial upgrading. For complex products, total completion time minimization is an important part of production planning in manufacturing enterprises. If we can establish the total completion time minimization model accurately, both of the program accuracy and working efficiency can be greatly improved. The proposed method of test and detection plan to minimize the total completion time can improve the test and detection efficiency and shorten the test cycle. Verified by examples, it has good application effect.
%K 遗传算法,总完工时间,极小化,试验检测,试验计划调度
Genetic Algorithm %K The Total Completion Time %K Minimization %K Test and Detection %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=18389