%0 Journal Article %T Satellite rings and normal modes in rotating clouds of ultra cold atoms %A J. D. Rodrigues %A J. T. Mendon£¿a %A J. A. Rodrigues %J Physics %D 2014 %I arXiv %X The multiple scattering of light in a gas of ultra cold atoms is responsible for many exciting features observed in magneto-optical traps including the collective behavior forced by a Coulomb like potential. This field also induces plasma like phenomena in the cloud which allows the treatment of the system as a one component trapped plasma. With a fluid description and casting the thermodynamical behavior in the form of a polytropic equation of state we investigate the equilibrium profiles of rotating clouds and its dependence on the experiment characteristics. Numerical solutions predict the formation of stable orbital modes both in rotating and non rotating clouds. We also investigate the normal modes on such rotating systems. %U http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.6098v2