%0 Journal Article %T Contact and Momentum Distribution of the Unitary Fermi Gas by Bold Diagrammatic Monte Carlo %A K. Van Houcke %A F. Werner %A E. Kozik %A N. Prokof'ev %A B. Svistunov %J Physics %D 2013 %I arXiv %X A key observable in strongly interacting resonant Fermi gases is the contact parameter C, which governs both the pair correlation function at short distances and the momentum distribution at large momenta. The temperature dependence of C was recently measured at unitarity, where existing theoretical predictions differ substantially. We report accurate data for the contact and the momentum distribution in the normal phase of the unitary gas, obtained by Bold Diagrammatic Monte Carlo. In our scheme, C is extracted from the pair correlation function, while the C/k^4 tail of the momentum distribution, being built in at the analytical level, is free of k-dependent noise. %U http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.6245v1