%0 Journal Article %T Quadrupole moment of the nucleon in chiral constituent quark model %A Harleen Dahiya %A Neetika Sharma %J Physics %D 2010 %I arXiv %X The electromagnetic form factors are the most fundamental quantities to describe the internal structure of the nucleon and the shape of a spatially extended particle is determined by its {\it intrinsic} quadrupole moment which is first order moment of the charge density operator. With some experimental indications of a deformed nucleon, we have calculated the {\it intrinsic} quadrupole moment of the octet and decuplet baryons in the framework of chiral constituent quark model \chiCQM which is quite successful in explaining some of the important baryon properties in the nonperturbative regime. %U http://arxiv.org/abs/1009.1950v1