%0 Journal Article %T Symmetries and General Principies in the Multiband Effective Mass Theory: A Transfer Matrix Study %A L. Diago-Cisneros %A H. Rodriguez-Coppola %A R. Perez-Alvarez %A P. Pereyra %J Physics %D 2004 %I arXiv %X We study the time reversal and space inversion symmetry properties of those transfer matrices mostly used in the calculation of energy spectra and transport-process. We study the time reversal and space inversion symmetry properties of those transfer matrices mostly used in the calculation of energy spectra and transport-process quantities. We determine the unitary transformation relating transfer matrices. We consider the Kohn-Luttinger model for a quasi-2D system and show that even though the system studied in the (4 x 4) scheme satisfies all the symmetry requirements, the (2 x 2)subspaces do not fulfill such constrains, except in the Gamma point of the Brillouin Zone. We find new exchange properties between the (2\times 2)subspace quantities. %U http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0410159v1