%0 Journal Article %T Lifetime enhanced transport in silicon due to spin and valley blockade %A G. P. Lansbergen %A R. Rahman %A J. Verduijn %A G. C. Tettamanzi %A N. Collaert %A S. Biesemans %A G. Klimeck %A L. C. L. Hollenberg %A S. Rogge %J Physics %D 2010 %I arXiv %R 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.136602 %X We report the observation of Lifetime Enhanced Transport (LET) based on perpendicular valleys in silicon by transport spectroscopy measurements of a two-electron system in a silicon transistor. The LET is manifested as a peculiar current step in the stability diagram due to a forbidden transition between an excited state and any of the lower energy states due perpendicular valley (and spin) configurations, offering an additional current path. By employing a detailed temperature dependence study in combination with a rate equation model, we estimate the lifetime of this particular state to exceed 48 ns. The two-electron spin-valley configurations of all relevant confined quantum states in our device were obtained by a large-scale atomistic tight-binding simulation. The LET acts as a signature of the complicated valley physics in silicon; a feature that becomes increasingly important in silicon quantum devices. %U http://arxiv.org/abs/1008.1381v3