%0 Journal Article %T An Experimental Realization of Quantum-vacuum Geometric Phases by Using the Gyrotropic-medium Optical Fiber %A Jian Qi Shen %J Physics %D 2003 %I arXiv %R 10.1140/epjd/e2004-00082-6 %X The connection between the quantum-vacuum geometric phases (which originates from the vacuum zero-point electromagnetic fluctuation) and the non-normal product procedure is considered in the present Letter. In order to investigate this physically interesting geometric phases at quantum-vacuum level, we suggest an experimentally feasible scheme to test it by means of a noncoplanarly curved fiber made of gyrotropic media. A remarkable feature of the present experimental realization is that one can easily extract the nonvanishing and nontrivial quantum-vacuum geometric phases of left- and/or right- handed circularly polarized light from the vanishing and trivial total quantum-vacuum geometric phases. %U http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0309007v1