%0 Journal Article %T GPS三维信息在山区航测成图中的应用与研究
The Application and Research of GPS Three-Dimensional Information in Mountain Area Aerial Photogrammetric Mapping %A 钟少波 %A 屈婷婷 %A 陈明 %J Advances in Geosciences %P 186-192 %@ 2163-3975 %D 2015 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AG.2015.53022 %X
利用GPS三维信息确定像片控制点坐标的方法和精度,经内业解析空三加密和外业实施地检测,证明该方法不仅能够满足1:10,000比例尺航测成图的精度要求,而且较传统联测方法可提高工作效率3~10倍。对于通视条件困难和已知大地点较少的测区,用GPS联测像控点无疑是最佳方法。<br/>Using GPS three-dimensional information to determine the method and precision of control point coordinates of the photograph, and through the implementation of industry sector three-encryption detection and the analytic space work inside and outside, we prove that the method not only meets the 1:10,000 scale precision aerial mapping, but also improves the efficiency of 3 - 10 times more than traditional union measuring method. For survey areas under difficult visibility conditions and with less known large places, using multiple GPS control points is the best method.
%K GPS像控测量,测量精度,三维信息,GPS网基线,应用研究
GPS Photo-Control Point Measurement %K Accuracy %K Three-Dimensional Information %K GPS Baseline %K Applied Research %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=15556