%0 Journal Article %T On Quasi- -Dense Submodules and -Pure Envelopes of QTAG Modules %A Alveera Mehdi %A Fahad Sikander %A Firdhousi Begum %J Algebra %D 2013 %I Hindawi Publishing Corporation %R 10.1155/2013/873193 %X A module over an associative ring with unity is a QTAG module if every finitely generated submodule of any homomorphic image of is a direct sum of uniserial modules. There are many fascinating properties of QTAG modules of which -pure submodules and high submodules are significant. A submodule is quasi- -dense in if is -divisible, for every -pure submodule of containing Here we study these submodules and obtain some interesting results. Motivated by -neat envelope, we also define -pure envelope of a submodule as the -pure submodule if has no direct summand containing We find that -pure envelopes of have isomorphic basic submodules, and if is the direct sum of uniserial modules, then all -pure envelopes of are isomorphic. 1. Introduction All the rings considered here are associative with unity, and right modules are unital modules. An element is uniform, if is a nonzero uniform (hence uniserial) module and for any -module with a unique decomposition series, denotes its decomposition length. For a uniform element , , and are the exponent and height of in , respectively. denotes the submodule of generated by the elements of height at least , and is the submodule of generated by the elements of exponent at most . £¿ is -divisible if , and it is -reduced if it does not contain any -divisible submodule. In other words, it is free from the elements of infinite height. The modules , form a neighbourhood system of zero giving rise to -topology. The closure of a submodule is defined as , and it is closed with respect to -topology if . A submodule of is -pure in if , for every integer . For a limit ordinal , , for all ordinals , and it is -pure in if for all ordinals . A module is summable if , where is the set of all elements of which are not in , where is the length of . A submodule is nice [1, Definition 2.3] in , if for all ordinals ; that is, every coset of modulo may be represented by an element of the same height. The cardinality of the minimal generating set of is denoted by . For all ordinals , is the - invariant of and it is equal to . For a module , there is a chain of submodules , for some ordinal . , where is the submodule of . Singh [2] proved that the results which hold for TAG modules also hold good for modules. 2. Quasi- -Dense Submodules In [3], we studied semi- -pure submodules which are not -pure but contained in -pure submodules. Now we investigate the submodules such that is -divisible for every -pure submodule , containing . These modules are called quasi- -dense submodules. We start with the following. Definition 1. A submodule of is quasi- %U http://www.hindawi.com/journals/algebra/2013/873193/