%0 Journal Article %T Geometric triangular chiral hexagon complexes and clonal embryogenic body organization on the Turin Shroud crucified man image: A predictable tissue response to injury %A Jairo A. Diaz %J Natural Science %P 1102-1111 %@ 2150-4105 %D 2013 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ns.2013.510135 %X The shroud continues to remain one of the most studied and controversial artifacts in human history. Many tests, X-ray fluorescence, reflectance, spectrometry and low energy/high-resolution X ray transmission have shown that the crucified body is not compatible with a painted image. Researchers confirm that the alleged blood is real blood. We documented the self-assembly of geometric triangular chiral hexagon complex (GTCHC) with structural organization of embryoid bodies in cancer tissues. The identification of these structures is not only limited to malignant tumors but also appears in extreme injured tissues. Our interest is to determine if we can predict and identify these patterns in the Shroud of Turin. Based on pattern recognition image was analyzed over 100 shroud images. We identified a central spectral emission line that exhibits a characteristic signature on a plot of residual electromagnetic radiation, head area narrowing and low extremities broadening, indication of decay energy changes in the velocity of the molecules in the traversal trajectory. This Electromagnetic collision event generates in the cloth stagnant blood areas with patterns identical to those identified for us in cancer damage tissues. Inflammatory cytokines activate stem cells and Notch signaling proteins in cascade of interactions to generate real clonal human embryoid template. Can we predict function from structure? These structures evoke life, regeneration, but not death. Our findings suggest the image of a crucified man on the Shroud of Turin is a real physical electromagnetic collision event in response to extreme tissue injury, with the fact that supports our previous findings in cancer tissues as real and predictable. Proteins derived from these emergent damage tissue derivate stem cells could be used to design biologic templates in regenerative medicine and develop novel strategies in cancer therapy. %K Turin %K Shroud %K Geometric %K Triangular %K Chiral %K Hexagon %K Embryogenic %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=37737