%0 Journal Article %T Geometric Analogy and Products of Vectors in <i>n</i> Dimensions %A Leonardo Simal Moreira %J Advances in Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory %P 1-6 %@ 2165-3348 %D 2013 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/alamt.2013.31001 %X

The cross product in Euclidean space IR3 is an operation in which two vectors are associated to generate a third vector, also in space IR3. This product can be studied rewriting its basic equations in a matrix structure, more specifically in terms of determinants. Such a structure allows extending, for analogy, the ideas of the cross product for a type of the product of vectors in higher dimensions, through the systematic increase of the number of rows and columns in determinants that constitute the equations. So, in a n-dimensional space with Euclidean norm, we can associate n ¨C 1 vectors and to obtain an n-th vector, with the same geometric characteristics of the product in three dimensions. This kind of operation is also a geometric interpretation of the product defined by Eckman [1]. The same analogies are also useful in the verification of algebraic properties of such products, based on known properties of determinants.

%K Cross Product %K Space IRn %K Determinants %K Geometric Analogy %K EckmanĄ¯s Product %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=29071