%0 Journal Article %T BIOMETRIC STUDY OF COMMERCIAL ALAYING HENS SUBMITTED TO THE PROGRAMS OF FORCED MOLTING BIOMETRIA DO INTESTINO DE POEDEIRAS COMERCIAIS SUBMETIDAS A PROGRAMAS DE MUDA FOR ADA %A Vanessa Sobue Franzo %A Silvana Martinez Baraldi Artoni %A Valcinir Alo¨ªsio Scalla Vulcani %A Lizandra Amoroso %J Ci¨ºncia Animal Brasileira %D 2008 %I Universidade Federal de Goi¨¢s %X The forced molting in commercial laying hens had being utilized for get better the performance of birds for one more cycle of production of eggs. The experiment was aimed at evaluating the intestinal biometric parameters in laying hens submitted to the different forced molting program. Third two Hisex Brown laying hen with 58 weeks of age were randomly subdivided into four programs (P1- California program; P2- diet of low-calcium; T3- diet of high-zinc and P4- diet of low-sodium) in two replications constituted of four birds each. The biometric parameters occurred at 28th and 140nd days and for this, four birds were sacrificed of each program in the period cited. The bird corporal weight and the relative weight of the intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum and rectum) were obtained on electronic precision scales and the lengths were measured. The data were submitted to the variance analysis and in case of significant difference; the averages were compared by the Tukey¡äs test. It was observed the commercial laying P1 and P3 the smallest mean body and relative weights (no significant) and lengths in relation to the chickens P2 and P4 and to the 140th days the corporal weight, relative weight and length of the intestine of chickens were larger. Concluded that the different programs of forced molting presented similar results and they can be used for commercial laying hens in second production cycle. KEY WORDS: Digestory system, nutricional manage, physiology, postmolt. A muda for ada em poedeiras comerciais tem sido utilizada para melhorar o desempenho zoot¨¦cnico das aves por mais um ciclo de produ o de ovos. O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a biometria do intestino de poedeiras comerciais submetidas a diferentes programas de muda for ada. Trinta e duas aves da linhagem Hisex Brown com 58 semanas de idade foram distribu¨ªdas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, constando de quatro programas de muda for ada (P1- programa Calif¨®rnia, P2- baixo n¨ªvel de c¨¢lcio; P3- alto n¨ªvel de zinco e P4- baixo n¨ªvel de s¨®dio) e duas repeti es de quatro aves cada. As medidas biom¨¦tricas ocorreram ao 28o e 140o dias e, para isso, quatro aves foram sacrificadas de cada programa, em cada per¨ªodo, para a avalia o do peso corporal e do peso relativo das diferentes por es intestinais (duodeno, jejuno, ¨ªleo, ceco e c¨®lon-reto) por meio de uma balan a de precis o e do comprimento dos intestinos com o aux¨ªlio de uma fita m¨¦trica milimetrada. Submeteram-se os dados obtidos ¨¤ an¨¢lise de variancia e, em caso de diferen a significativa, compararam-se %K intestino %K biometria %K muda for ada %K nutri o %K poedeiras. %U http://www.revistas.ufg.br/index.php/vet/article/view/1127