%0 Journal Article %T PERBEDAAN CARA PENGIRISAN DAN PENGERINGAN TERHADAP KANDUNGAN MINYAK ATSIRI DALAM JAHE MERAH (Zingeber officinale Roscoe.Sunti Valeton) %A Almasyhuri Almasyhuri %A Sri Wardatun %A Leni Nuraeni %J Bulletin of Health Research %D 2013 %I Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan %X . Red Ginger (Zingeber Roscoe.Sunti Valeton) often used as a health drink and materials of traditional medicine in Indonesia. Ginger is used as a drug commonly colds, digestive disorders, analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory because it contains oil. Ginger also contains phenolic antioxidants. In the form of fresh ginger, ginger has a large volume, while also easily damaged and are relatively difficult to transport. This study was made of red ginger powder in dry form. The purpose of this study to obtain data about the different ways of slicing and drying on essential oils and phenolic content in red ginger. The method used is fresh red ginger after cleaning of dirt, thinly sliced approximately 3 mm thickness incision in two ways, namely transverse (slices) and longitudinal (split). Then each dried ginger slices in three ways, namely by winds, sunlight and oven temperature of 55กใ C. Drying is done until dry with a moisture content below 12%. Finely powdered dried ginger, and then performed the analysis of water content, volatile oil and total phenols. The results showed the drying time with drying oven for a minimum compared with solar thermal or winds. Drying significantly affect essential oil content and total phenols in red ginger. Way of slicing effect on levels of essential oils but do not have real impact on the amount of phenol. To get dry ginger essential oil content and relatively high phenol, it can be done by way of longitudinal (split) and oven dried Key words: Red Ginger (Zingeber officinale Roscoe.Sunti Valeton), drying, volatile oil and total phenol Abstrak. Jahe merah (Zingeber officinale Roscoe.Sunti Valeton) banyak digunakansebagai minuman kesehatan dan bahan obat tradisional di Indonesia. Biasa jahe digunakan sebagai obat masuk angin, gangguan pencernaan, analgesic, antipiretik dan anti inflamasi karena memiliki kandungan minyak atsiri. Jahe juga memiliki kandungan fenol yang bersifat antioksidan. Dalam bentuk rimpang segar, jahe mempunyai volume yang besar, disamping juga mudah rusak dan transportasinya relatif sulit. Penelitian ini telah membuat bubuk jahe merah dalam bentuk kering . Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan data tentang perbedaan cara pengirisan dan pengeringan terhadap kandungan minyak atsiri dan fenol dalam jahe merah. Metode yang digunakan adalah jahe merah segar setelah dibersihkan dari kotoran, diiris tipis-tipis lebih kurang ketebalan 3 mm dengan dua cara pengirisan, yaitu melintang dan membujur. Kemudian masing-masing irisan jahe dikeringkan dengan tiga cara, yaitu dengan diangin-angin, sina %U http://ejournal.litbang.depkes.go.id/index.php/BPK/article/view/2894