%0 Journal Article %T Juifs de Pologne en France %A Jean Laloum %J Bulletin du Centre de Recherche Fran£¿ais de J¨¦rusalem %D 2012 %I Centre de Recherche Fran?ais de J¨¦rusalem (CRFJ) %X Le patrimoine photographique familial des Juifs originaires de Pologne, ¨¤ l¡¯instar d¡¯autres familles issues de l¡¯immigration, est ¨¤ l¡¯image de leur d¨¦racinement, fait d¡¯une accumulation de ruptures ¨C environnementale, sociale et culturelle ¨C qui en alt¨¨re la lisibilit¨¦. ¨¤ cette dimension de l¡¯immigration, se superpose le plus souvent, celle ayant trait ¨¤ la politique d¡¯extermination men¨¦e sous l¡¯occupation nazie, multipliant par l¨¤ m¨ºme fractures, ruptures et traces en pointill¨¦s. Ces deux processus historiques de l¡¯immigration et du g¨¦nocide rar¨¦fient d¡¯autant le patrimoine photographique familial, le rendant plus difficile d¡¯acc¨¨s : le pillage d¡¯appartements juifs op¨¦r¨¦ sous la p¨¦riode de Vichy et la d¨¦portation d¡¯hommes, de femmes, de familles enti¨¨res ont durablement fragilis¨¦ ¨C voire fait dispara tre ¨C, en m¨ºme temps que leurs d¨¦tenteurs, cette source documentaire. Aussi, sa consultation au sein de familles dont des proches comptent au nombre des victimes de la Solution finale , suscite-t-elle trop de r¨¦ticences ¨C parce que trop de douleur ¨C, pour que celle-ci puisse se d¨¦rouler sereinement. The photographic family heritage of the Jews coming from Poland, as well as for the other immigrant families, reflects their uprooting, made of many different brakes ¨C environmental, social and cultural ¨C that have influenced its legibility. Besides it, there is often another overlapping dimention of the immigration, concerning the political choice of extermination during the Nazi occupation : it multiplied those breaks, fractures and uncomplete traces of the Jewish immigrates. These two historical processes of immigration and genocide have rarefied the photographic family heritage, making it much more difficult to reconstruct : the pillage of Jewish apartments made during the Vichy¡¯s periode and the deportation of men, women and whole families have deeply weakened ¨C and even deleted ¨C, as their holders, this documentary source. So, its consultation within families where there have been cases of people dead during the ¡®Final Solution¡¯, provokes many reticences ¨C due to their deep pain-which ¨C, do not enable to proceed peacefully. %K identity %K Holocaust %K immigration %K Jewish photographic family %K singularities %K identit¨¦ %K Shoah %K immigration %K photographie familiale juive %K singularit¨¦s %U http://bcrfj.revues.org/6557