%0 Journal Article %T Entre aversion et nostalgie Between aversion and nostalgia. Immigration and Integration of Polish Jews from 1968 in Israel ¨C an Interview Analysis and Documentation Film %A Eik D£¿dtmann %J Bulletin du Centre de Recherche Fran£¿ais de J¨¦rusalem %D 2012 %I Centre de Recherche Fran?ais de J¨¦rusalem (CRFJ) %X Dans cet article, l¡¯auteur ¨¦labore et met en relief les m¨¦canismes d¡¯une migration forc¨¦e des Juifs polonais par le gouvernement polonais en Isra l entre 1968 et 1971. L¡¯auteur a interview¨¦ plus d¡¯une douzaine de Juifs polonais n¨¦s avant et apr¨¨s la Shoah. Les interviews ont ¨¦t¨¦ faits devant et derri¨¨re la cam¨¦ra. Quelques-uns d¡¯entre eux ont ¨¦t¨¦ int¨¦gr¨¦s dans le documentaire There is no return to Egypt (45 minutes) ainsi que des sc¨¨nes de la vie quotidienne des migrants. Les analyses et les ¨¦valuations tir¨¦es des r¨¦sultats des interviews par l¡¯auteur se basent sur l¡¯ uvre de Salman Akhtar, un psychologue sp¨¦cialiste de la migration.L¡¯analyse a r¨¦v¨¦l¨¦ d¡¯une part, que le chagrin et la ranc ur li¨¦s ¨¤ la perte de la patrie et la confrontation avec un processus douloureux d¡¯int¨¦gration dominent jusqu¡¯¨¤ aujourd¡¯hui chez les soixante-huitards , d¡¯autre part, que le statut privil¨¦gi¨¦ des migrants juifs europ¨¦ens en Isra l, la p¨¦riode favorable d¡¯immigration et le niveau d¡¯¨¦ducation du plus grand nombre contribuent ¨¤ une image de soi positive et ¨¤ une bonne int¨¦gration de ce groupe de migrants dans le projet sioniste. In this paper the author works out and illustrates the mechanisms of a forced migration of the Polish-Jewish migration cohort into the State of Israel between the years 1968 and 1971. The author interviewed over a dozen Polish Jews, born before and after the Shoah, in front and behind the camera. Some of the statements, together with scenes from everyday life of the migrants, were used in his 45-minute documentary film "There is no return to Egypt". The findings from the interviews were analysed and evaluated on the basis of the work of Salman Akhtar, a psychological researcher in the field of migration. The analysis reveals that, on the one hand, grief and anger about the loss of the Polish homeland and having to face a painful process of integration are prevailing among the ¡¯1968ers¡¯ up to date. On the other hand, the previliged status as European Jewish migrants in Israel, the favorable period of immigration and the educational background of the cohort all contribute to the positive self-perception and the sociological success as migrant group in the Zionist project. %K citizenship %K Israel %K anti-Zionist campaign %K immigration %K Polish-Jews %K PPR %K migration %K integration %K documentary %K trauma %K psychological aspects %K citoyennet¨¦ %K Isra l %K campagne anti-sioniste %K Juifs polonais %K immigration %K PRP %K migration %K int¨¦gration %K documentaire %K traumatisme %K aspects psychologiques %U http://bcrfj.revues.org/6540