%0 Journal Article %T Small Scale Farming and Agricultural Products Marketing for Sustainable Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria %A J. A. Bamiduro %A Rotimi Ayodele Gbadeyan %J Canadian Social Science %D 2011 %I Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture %R 10.3968/j.css.1923669720110703.020 %X Agricultural productions in developing countries have largely been on subsistence basis. The farmers only produce for their families and quantity of food produced are grossly inadequate for the growing population. There is increase widespread in the level of poverty amongst the people, most especially those living in the rural areas. Small scale farming has become one of the ways to tackle the problem of lack and poverty amongst these people. The paper therefore, examines how Small Scale farming assists in alleviating poverty in both rural and urban cities; most especially through marketing of agricultural products to the people. Relevant data were sought from the 356 respondents selected for the study through the Key Informant Interviews (KII). The Student T test and Chi square statistical techniques were further employed to test the Hypotheses stated in the study. Result of the finding reveals the importance of Small Scale Farming and Agricultural Products Marketing in poverty alleviation, most especially among the rural dwellers. It also indicated lack of access to fund as the major problem facing Small Scale Farming and increase cost of transportation as the major problem facing marketing of agricultural products. The Paper recommends that Individuals and Government can combat some of these challenges facing Small Scale Farming by providing adequate basic social infrastructures; make available more funds to the farmers and create more employment opportunities amongst others. The paper concludes that Agriculture no doubt, is an important sector that needs to be given attention in any developing economy. Key words: Small scale farming; Marketing; Rural dwellers; Key interview guide; Agricultural products and poverty R¨¦sum¨¦: Les productions agricoles dans les pays en voie de d¨¦veloppement ¨¦taient principalement sur la base de subsistance. Les agriculteurs ne produisent que pour leurs familles et la quantit¨¦ des aliments produits est nettement insuffisante pour la population croissante. Il y a une augmentation g¨¦n¨¦ralis¨¦e de la pauvret¨¦ parmi la population, plus particuli¨¨rement ceux vivant dans les zones rurales. L'agriculture ¨¤ petite ¨¦chelle est devenue l'une des fa ons pour s'attaquer au probl¨¨me du manque et de la pauvret¨¦ parmi cette population. L'article examine donc comment l'agriculture ¨¤ petite ¨¦chelle aide ¨¤ soulager le probl¨¨me de la pauvret¨¦ dans les villes rurales et urbaines; plus particuli¨¨rement ¨¤ travers la commercialisation des produits agricoles. Des donn¨¦es pertinentes ont ¨¦t¨¦ recueillies aupr¨¨s des 356 r¨¦pondants s¨¦lectionn¨¦s pour l %K Small scale farming %K Marketing %K Rural dwellers %K Key interview guide %K Agricultural products and poverty %K Petite agriculture ¨¤ petite ¨¦chelle %K Commercialisation %K Habitants ruraux %K Guide d'interview cl¨¦s %K Produits agricoles et pauvret¨¦ %U http://www.cscanada.net/index.php/css/article/view/1755