%0 Journal Article %T Induction of Cell Death Mechanisms and Apoptosis by Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields (nsPEFs) %A Stephen J. Beebe %A Nova M. Sain %A Wei Ren %J Cells %D 2013 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/cells2010136 %X Pulse power technology using nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs) offers a new stimulus to modulate cell functions or induce cell death for cancer cell ablation . New data and a literature review demonstrate fundamental and basic cellular mechanisms when nsPEFs interact with cellular targets. NsPEFs supra-electroporate cells creating large numbers of nanopores in all cell membranes. While nsPEFs have multiple cellular targets, these studies show that nsPEF-induced dissipation of ¦¤¦·m closely parallels deterioration in cell viability. Increases in intracellular Ca 2+ alone were not sufficient for cell death; however, cell death depended of the presence of Ca 2+. When both events occur, cell death ensues. Further, direct evidence supports the hypothesis that pulse rise-fall times or high frequency components of nsPEFs are important for decreasing ¦¤¦·m and cell viability. Evidence indicates in Jurkat cells that cytochrome c release from mitochondria is caspase-independent indicating an absence of extrinsic apoptosis and that cell death can be caspase-dependent and ¨Cindependent. The Ca 2+ dependence of nsPEF-induced dissipation of ¦¤¦·m suggests that nanoporation of inner mitochondria membranes is less likely and effects on a Ca 2+-dependent protein(s) or the membrane in which it is embedded are more likely a target for nsPEF-induced cell death. The mitochondria permeability transition pore (mPTP) complex is a likely candidate. Data demonstrate that nsPEFs can bypass cancer mutations that evade apoptosis through mechanisms at either the DISC or the apoptosome. %K apoptosis %K caspase-dependent %K caspase-independent %K Jurkat clones %K APAF-1 %K FADD %K N1-S1 hepatocellular carcinoma cells %K Ca2+ mobilization %K mitochondria membrane potential %K mitochondria permeability transition pore %K cytochrome c %K electroporation %K nanopores £¿3-10 %U http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/2/1/136