%0 Journal Article %T Paisagem, historicidade e ambiente: as v芍rias naturezas da natureza %A Isabel Cristina de Moura Carvalho %J Confluenze. Rivista di Studi Iberoamericani %D 2009 %I University of Bologna %X This article analyzes, from a hermeneutic perspective, the historical production of meanings about the nature and the environment in order to think what could be called an environmental tradition in the context of modernity in the West. This tradition refers to a long duration history of the senses of the environment which are located within the (re) interpretations of contemporaneity and from where one (re) construct the meanings of the actual experience of nature and the environment. In this environmental tradition is possible to detach: enlightened understanding of nature controlled by reason, the vision of the idyllic pastoral; the english naturalism of the seventeenth century; the new bourgeois sensibilities of the eighteenth century; the european romanticism of the XVIII-XIX centuries; the imaginary about America like a Eden. Go along with to these different historical landscapes evoke different kinds of nature as fields of meaning, memories and experiences that are constantly renegotiated in contemporary modes of experiencing the environment. This is the case of the ecological movement and its intersections with the counterculture and new left movements. By drawing this line of analysis the article highlights the elements of a historicity that is (re) update in permanent renegotiation of meanings in contemporary experience. Este artigo tematiza, desde uma perspectiva hermen那utica, cursos hist車ricos de produ o de sentidos sobre a natureza e o ambiente significativos para pensar o que se poderia chamar uma tradi o ambiental no ambito da modernidade no Ocidente. Esta tradi o remete 角 uma hist車ria de longa dura o dos sentidos do ambiental dentro da qual se localizam as (re)interpreta es contemporaneas e a partir de onde se (re) constroem os sentidos atuais da experi那ncia da natureza e do ambiente. Destacam-se nesta tradi o ambiental a compreens o iluminista de uma natureza controlada pela raz o, a vis o pastoral id赤lica do naturalismo ingl那s do s谷culo XVII; as novas sensibilidades burguesas do s谷culo XVIII; o romantismo europeu dos s谷culos. XVIII-XIX; e o imagin芍rio ed那nico sobre a Am谷rica. Ao percorrer estas diversas paisagens hist車ricas s o evocadas as v芍rias naturezas da natureza enquanto campos de sentido, mem車rias e experi那ncias que s o renegociadas permanentemente nos modos contemporaneos de experienciar o ambiente. Este 谷 o caso dos movimentos ecol車gicos e suas intersec es com os movimentos contraculturais e a nova esquerda. Ao tra ar esta linha de an芍lise o artigo destaca os elemento de uma historicidade que se (re)atualiza em permanen %U http://confluenze.unibo.it/article/view/1420