%0 Journal Article %T ORGANIZA O SINDICAL - ESTRUTURA EXTERNA %A Silvana Maria de Oliveira Prince Rodrigues %J Cognitio Juris : Revista Jur¨ªdica %D 2012 %I Cognitio Juris %X RESUMOO presente estudo tem por objetivo o enfoque ¨¤ quest o da organiza o sindical e a proposta de reforma sindical em tramite no Congresso Nacional, PEC 369/95, situ¨¢-la mediante o atual contexto legislativo e da proposta de reforma sindical, analisar a personalidade jur¨ªdica do sindicato, a cria o de novas categorias profissionais, a validade da negocia o direta entre empregadores e empregados sindicalizados e o destino do patrim nio do sindicato em caso de extin o. O tema abordado permite a elabora o de questionamentos atuais e conduz ¨¤ reflex o sobre o papel de nossa organiza o sindical ante os problemas contemporaneos.Palavras- chave: Organiza o Sindical; Reforma Sindical; Proposta de Emenda Constitucional 369/95. UNION ORGANIZATITON - EXTERNAL SCRUCTURE ABSTRACTThe objective of this study is to focus on the question of union organization and the proposal for union reform currently under consideration by the National Congress in Proposed Constitutional Amendment 369/95, situating the proposed amendment in the current legislative context and the context of proposed union reform, and analyzing the legal character of the union, the creation of new professional categories, the validity of direct negotiation between employers and union employees, and the dis-position of a union¡¯s assets in case of dissolution. This theme permits examination of current questions and leads to reflection on the role of union organization in light of contemporary problems.Keywords: Trade union organization; Union Reform; Proposed Constitutional Amendment 369/95. %K Organiza o Sindical %K Reforma Sindical %K Proposta de Emenda Constitucional 369/95 %U http://www.cognitiojuris.com/artigos/05/08.html