%0 Journal Article %T M LL G R¨¹ ¡¯TEN MUHAFAZAKAR DEMOKRAS YE: T¨¹RK YE¡¯DE 28 UBAT S¨¹REC SONRASI SLAM EL TLER N D N¨¹ ¨¹M¨¹ / FROM NATIONAL OUTLOOK TO CONSERVATIVE DEMOCRACY: THE TRANSFORMATION OF ISLAMIC ELITES IN TURKEY AFTER THE FEBRUARY 28 PROCESS %A Mustafa B£¿L¨¹KBA£¿I %J Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches (itobiad) %D 2012 %I Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Foundation %X Bu makale ¡°28 ubat s¨¹recinden¡± sonra T¨¹rkiye¡¯de post- slamc elitlerin ge irdi i d n¨¹ ¨¹m¨¹ incelemektedir.Temel tezimize g re AKP evresinde toplanan post- slamc elitler Kemalist d¨¹zenin reddi yerine makul bir ele tirisini benimseyerek tek ba na iktidar olabilecek bir kitle partisi olu turmu tur. ¡°Adil d¨¹zen¡± hayalinden vazge en post- slamc lar ¨¹lkeyi k¨¹resel kapitalist sisteme entegre etmeyi tercih etmi tir. K¨¹resel ve yerel dinamiklerin d n¨¹ ¨¹m¨¹n¨¹ iyi kavram ve s ylemlerini slami er eveden demokrasi ve insan haklar er evesine kayd rm t r. Bu noktada radikal Milli G r¨¹ cephesinden ayr arak ¡°kabul edilebilir s n rlar¡± i inde yer alm ve b ylece kendilerine me ru bir siyaset zemini yaratm t r.This article examines the transformation of post-Islamic elites in Turkey after the ¡°February 28 process¡±. According to our main thesis post-Islamic elites clustered around the JDP, have created a self-sustaining majority party through a moderate critique rather than an outright rejection of the Kemalist establishment. These post-Islamists, who have given up the dream of building a ¡°just order¡±, have instead choosen to integrate Turkey into the global capitalist system. They have grasped well the transformation of global and local dynamics and shifted their rhetoric from a framework of Islam to democracy and human rights. At this point by dissociating from the radicalNational Outlook front they have remained within ¡°acceptable limits¡± and thus have created a legitimate political ground. %K National Outlook %K Provincial Bourgeoisie %K Conservative Democracy %K Neo-liberalism %K February 28 Process %K JDP. %U http://www.itobiad.com/upload/File/makale/1339190549.pdf