%0 Journal Article %T MODERNLE ME S¨¹REC NDE MEDYANIN ROL¨¹: YAKLA IMLARIN SINIRLANMASI SORUNU / ROLE OF MEDIA IN MODERNIZATION PROCESS: MATTER OF CONTRACTION OF APPROACHES %A Sedat CEREC£¿ %J Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches (itobiad) %D 2012 %I Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Foundation %X nsan do as n n ve zorunluluklar n sonucunda ortaya kan yeni bulu lar, teknikler ve yakla mlar modernli i yarat rken, teknolojinin en g rkemli ve yayg n ara lar olan medya da modernli in ba at unsurlar olarak ya am n i inde yerini alm t r. Modern ya am ideal olarak benimseyip teknoloji temeli ¨¹zerinde ya amaya al an az geli mi toplumlar n bireyleri, medyadan edindikleri verilerle ya amlar na y n verirken, t¨¹m ya am dinamiklerini de medya temeli ¨¹zerinde bi imlendirmektedir. Haz r d¨¹ ¨¹nce ve imge paketleriyle insanlar n pek ok i ini kolayla t rma, s k nt lar n giderme, sorunlar n zme y ntemleri neren medya, insanlar n daha az d¨¹ ¨¹n¨¹p daha az hayal kurarak d¨¹ ¨¹nce ve imgelemlerinin daralmas na da neden olmaktad r.AbstractNew inventions and technics and approaches which were emerged atthe end of human nature and necessities created modernism and media that are the most enormous and common instruments of technology got involved in modern life as main components. People who are persons of societies and who adopted modern life as an ideal sometimes direct their lives via datas from media and shape their life dynamics on media base. Media that facilitates lives of people and resolves problems of people and advise solutions for their problems sometimes causes contraction in think and imaginations of people. Media are naturally concerned with thinking %K Modernize %K Media %K Tecnology %K Problem. %U http://www.itobiad.com/upload/File/makale/1346756870.pdf