%0 Journal Article %T KUR¡¯ N¡¯DA B LG VE D¨¹ ¨¹NCE ¨¹RET M / KNOWLADGE AND THINKING PRODUCING IN THE HOLY QUR¡¯AN %A Musa B£¿LG£¿Z %J Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches (itobiad) %D 2012 %I Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Foundation %X Kur¡¯an, bilgi ger e ine zihnimizi veya g nl¨¹m¨¹z¨¹ ge ici olarak doyuran bir tatmin arac olarak bakmaz. Aksine o, bilgiyi, insan n Allah ve evrenle ili kisini d¨¹zenleyen bir vas ta olarak de erlendirir. Kur¡¯an a s ndan ilmin ve medeniyetin esas gayesi, evrende bulunan varl klar ve onlarla ilgili ger ekleri ¡°okumak¡±; buradan hareketle Allah¡¯ n varl n , birli ini ve y¨¹celi ini O¡¯nun istedi i ekilde tan ma gayreti i ine girmektir.Kur¡¯an, ¡°ger e in bilgisine¡± ula mak i in yap lan t¨¹m zihn , kalb ve beden faaliyetleri, hi ¨¹phesiz ¡°bilgi ¨¹retme¡± ve ¡°d¨¹ ¨¹nme¡± eylemi olarak de erlendirir. Bunun yan s ra ¡°hakikate ula ma abalar n da ibadet olarak g r¨¹r. Kur¡¯an, insan n Allah taraf ndan bilgilendirildi i ayetlere yer verdi i kadar, onun bu ayetleri anlama, yorumlama ve bunlardan hareket ederek yeni bak a lar geli tirmesine de yer verir. Bu makalede, insan taraf ndan ¨¹retilebilecek bilgilere, bunlar n kullan m na ve bu eylemleri ger ekle tirirken sergileyebilece i d¨¹ ¨¹nme ile ilgili kavramlara yer verilecektir.The Holy Qur¡¯an does not handle the fact of knowladge as a means of satisfaction feeding our minds and hearts temporarily. Unlike that, it evaluates knowladge as a means of arranging human¡¯s relationship with universe and God. The main aim of science and civilization from the view of the Holy Qur¡¯an is to ¡°read¡± creatures in universe and realitiesabout them; from this point, to try to know God¡¯s existance, solidarity and dignity as HE wants.The Holy Qur¡¯an values all mental, emotional and physical actions done to reach ¡°knowledge of facts undoubtly as ¡°producing knowladge¡± and ¡° thinking¡± activities. In addition, it also sees the efforts to reach the facts as worship. The Holy Qur¡¯an gives place not only to the verses that human is acknowladged by God but also the human¡¯s understanding these verses, commenting them and developing new points of views from them. In this article, knowladge which can be produced by human, usage of them and the concepts about thinking which may be displayed while fulfilling these activities by human will be explained. %K Kur¡¯an %K tefsir %K bilgi %K d¨¹ ¨¹nme %K bilgi ¨¹retimi %K The Holy Quran %K commentary %K information %K thinking %K knowledge production %K thinking %U http://www.itobiad.com/upload/File/makale/1350910806.pdf