%0 Journal Article %T T K D SLAM MEZHEPLER N N ORTAYA IKI INA ETK EDEN FAKT RLER / FACTORS THAT EFFECTS THE EMERGENCE OF ISLAMIC THEOLOGICAL MADHHABS %A Mehmet HABERL£¿ %J Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches (itobiad) %D 2012 %I Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Foundation %X Hz. Peygamber d neminde ister itikadi ister f kh hi bir mezhep ortaya kmam t r. ¨¹nk¨¹ sahabe kar la t problemleri Hz. Peygamber¡¯e arz etmi ; o da sahabelerin ihtilaf ve teredd¨¹t etti i konular z¨¹me kavu turmu tur. Ancak Hz. Peygamberin vefat n n ard ndan ortaya kan bir k s m ihtilaflar, m¨¹sl¨¹manlar aras nda b l¨¹nmelere sebep olmu , tikad bak mdan e itli mezhep ve f rkalar n do mas na zemin haz rlam t r. Ayr ca farkl sosyo-k¨¹lt¨¹rel evrelerde yeti en insanlar n d¨¹ ¨¹nceleri de ihtilaflar n ortaya kmas nda nemli rol oynam t r. zetle al mam z slam¡¯daki anlay farkl la mas na sebep olan temel etkenler ¨¹zerinde durmay ama lamaktad rABCTRACTNo madhhabs during the period of Prophet Mohammed rose be it fiqh, be it theological. Because sahaba informed Prophet Mohammed about the problems that they faced; He found solutions for the matters that sahaba are on collision and hesitated. However some disputes which emerged after the passing of Prophet Mohammed resulted in some divisions among Muslims and this established ground to the rise of various madhhabs and divisions as theological. Besides consideration of people who grew up in different socio-cultural circumference played crucial role in occurence of controversies. In brief, our study aims to emphasize on the factors which caused differentation of insights in Islam. %K Islam %K Madhhabs %K Theological Divisions %U http://www.itobiad.com/upload/File/makale/1343308626.pdf