%0 Journal Article %T SON D NEM OSMANLI SL M HUKUK ULARINDAN EYHZADE AHMED Z YA EFEND N N HASAN KUDS EFEND DEN ALDI I LM CAZET / AHMED ZIYA EFENDI¡¯S DIPLOMA RECIEVED FROM MUDERRIS (PROFFESOR) HASAN KUDSI EFENDI IN THE LAST PERIOD OF OTTOMAN STATE %A £¿smail B£¿LG£¿L£¿ %J Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches (itobiad) %D 2012 %I Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Foundation %X zet cazet, ilmin aktar lmas nda nemli bir belgedir. rencinin belli bir ilmi yeterlili e sahip oldu unu g steren icazet, Hz. Peygamber (s.a.v)¡¯e kadar ilim al nan hocalar g steren tarihi bir vesikad r. Makalede Osmanl Devletinin son d nemlerinde yeti erek slam Hukuk ulu u ile n plana kan Konya m¨¹derrislerinden eyhzade Ahmed Ziya Efendinin M¨¹derris Hasan Kuds Efendiden ald ilmi icazet1 incelendi. Konu edindi imiz icazet, akli ve nakli t¨¹m ilimleri kapsad ve hoca silsilesine ayr nt l yer verdi i i in ilmi icazetin ¡®genel icazet/icazet-i amme¡¯ k sm na bir rnektir. Makalenin birinci b l¨¹m¨¹ Ahmed Ziya Efendi ile hocas Hasan Kuds Efendinin k sa biyografilerine ayr ld . kinci b l¨¹mde icazet hakk nda genel bilgi sunulduktan sonra icazetin de erlendirmesi yap ld . ¨¹ ¨¹nc¨¹ b l¨¹mde de icazetin T¨¹rk eye terc¨¹mesi sunuldu.Anahtar Kelimeler: cazet, F k h, lim, MedreseAbstractAuthorization is an important document the transfer of knowledge. Showing that the student has a specific scientific competence, This document is historical certificate and evidence from knowledge of the teachers to the Prophet. In this article, we studied eyhzade (dervish¡¯s son) Ahmed Ziya Efendi¡¯s diploma recieved from Muderris (proffesor) Hasan Kuds Efendi that was Islamic jurist and lived in the last period of Ottoman State. This sertificate is an example part of the general sertificate for mental and transplants covered by all the sciences and given in detail for the scientific diploma. Firstly in this article we mentioned Ahmed Ziya Efendi¡¯s and Hasan Kuds Efendi¡¯s short biographies. Secondly we presented information about authorization/icazet after that assessed this sertificate. Thirdly we translated this authorication to Turkish. %K Authorization %K Islamic Law %K Madrasah %K Science %U http://www.itobiad.com/upload/File/makale/1338149181.pdf