%0 Journal Article %T W¨¦GOUBRI, the sahelian bocage: an integrate approach for environment preservation and social development in sahelian agriculture (Burkina Faso) %A H. Girard %J Field Actions Science Reports %D 2009 %I Institut Veolia Environnement %X The NGO Terre Verte pursues the realisation of bocage perimeters (w¨¦goubri in the moor¨¦ language) in Burkina Faso. They are an innovative concept of rural development that has been established in the 1990s in the experimental farm of Gui¨¨ and is now adopted in other experimental farms in Burkina Faso. The deterioration of the rural landscape in the Sahel region has worsened in the last decades, endangering local populations. The creation of bocage perimeters in this rural landscape is a way to remediate problems linked to overly extensive agriculture. Through a holistic approach to the problem, the experimental farm of Gui¨¨ has been able to integrate environmental preservation into the Sahel agriculture thanks to three axes of intervention: applied research, education and direct help to the peasants. An experimental farm relies on ve technical teams, each supervised by a coordinator.The concept is based on the creation of bocage perimeters in a mixed propriety regime, comprising individually owned plots and common grounds, managed by an association of bene ciaries. The result is a restored environment, in which agriculture is no longer tantamount to erosion and livestock farming to overgrazing, where trees and bushes are harmoniously integrated into the environment.The increase in agricultural yields observed after a few years of soil restoration leads to the conclusion that those projects will be economically viable. A system of credits for farmers could allow the implementation of such a system, which represents the only solution for the millions of hectares of degraded soil in the Sahel region. L¡¯ONG Terre Verte r¨¦alise au Burkina Faso des p¨¦rim¨¨tres bocagers (w¨¦goubri en langue moor¨¦). Il s¡¯agit d¡¯un concept novateur de d¨¦veloppement rural mis au point dans la ferme pilote de Gui¨¨ dans les ann¨¦es 1990, adopt¨¦ depuis par d¡¯autres fermes pilotes du pays. La d¨¦gradation du paysage rural du Sahel s¡¯est aggrav¨¦e au cours de ces derni¨¨res d¨¦cennies, mettant en p¨¦ril les populations locales. La cr¨¦ation des p¨¦rim¨¨tres bocagers est un moyen de r¨¦soudre les probl¨¨mes li¨¦s ¨¤ une agriculture exag¨¦r¨¦ment extensive. Par une approche globale du probl¨¨me, la ferme pilote de Gui¨¨ a r¨¦ussi ¨¤ int¨¦grer la conservation de l¡¯environnement dans l¡¯agriculture sah¨¦lienne grace ¨¤ trois axes d¡¯intervention : recherche appliqu¨¦e, formation et aide directe aux paysans. Une ferme pilote s¡¯appuie sur cinq ¨¦quipes techniques, chacune supervis¨¦e par un coordonnateur. Le concept repose sur la cr¨¦ation de p¨¦rim¨¨tres bocagers en copropri¨¦t¨¦, avec des parcelles individuelles et des pa %K FACTS Environment %U http://factsreports.revues.org/111