%0 Journal Article %T La producci車n de conocimiento antropol車gico social en Chile: Postransici車n: Discontinuidades del pasado y debilidades presentes %A Stefano Palestini %A Claudio Ramos %A Andrea Canales %J Estudios Atacameˋos %D 2010 %I Universidad Cat車lica del Norte %X Se caracterizan las principales tendencias de la reciente investigaci車n antropol車gica social chilena (a os 2000-2006), situ芍ndolas en la trayectoria hist車rica de la disciplina en el pa赤s. A trav谷s del an芍lisis de investigaciones publicadas, de sus marcos paradigm芍ticos, 芍reas tem芍ticas, dise os te車rico-metodol車gicos y de la audiencia a la que se dirigen, se concluye una alta dispersi車n tem芍tica, inconsistencia paradigm芍tica y debilidades en la construcci車n te車rico-metodol車gica. Se propone, adem芍s, la posibilidad de que esto se deba a una discontinuidad entre la fase fundacional de la disciplina y el momento actual, considerando los procesos pol赤ticos ocurridos en el pa赤s en las 迆ltimas d谷cadas. This paper considers the main trends in recent Chilean social anthropological production (2000-2006), with reference to the discipline's history in the country. Analysis of the contents published by Chilean anthropologists during that period allowed for the ability to distinguish and compare their paradigms and audiences, their areas of thematic interest, and their methodological and theoretical frameworks. Results show a large thematic dispersion, major paradigmatic inconsistencies and weaknesses in theoretical and methodological designs, without clear tendencies towards the creation of an applied anthropology or outlining a proximate configuration of otherness. The conclusion explores the possibility that such discontinuities might result from university disruptions during the dictatorship, which cut off the discipline at foundational moments. %K antropolog赤a %K Chile %K producci車n de conocimiento %K cienciometr赤a %K anthropology %K Chile %K knowledge production %K science metrics %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-10432010000100008