%0 Journal Article %T O invis¨ªvel das rela es vis¨ªveis na escola/The interpersonal relations in the school %A Maristela Mar£¿al %A Carmen L¨²cia Fernandez %A Clarice Jaeger ¨¢rea %A Concei£¿£¿o A. F. Jer£¿nimo %A Doralice Marcolina de Moraes %A Giselda Maria Zuntini Deliza %A Maria £¿ngela de Melo Pinheiro %A Alessandra Vita de Ara¨²jo Vita %A Eliane de F¨¢tima Sachinelli Scarpini %A Sheila Orbetelli %A Maria Stela Beraldo de Lima %A Andr¨¦a Fernandes S¨¢ %A Mabel Servidone %A Rosana Andr¨¦a R. de Oliveira %J ETD : Educa£¿£¿o Tem¨¢tica Digital %D 2006 %I Universidade Estadual de Campinas %X Considerando a importancia da escola privilegiar as rela es e intera es estabelecidas entre todos os sujeitos da escola, nos seus diversos espa os e tempos, bem como a influencia destas rela es na organiza o e funcionamento da unidade escolar, o presente artigo busca discutir sobre as influencias, ressonancias e possibilidades que estas rela es exercem nas a es dos professores como dos alunos no cotidiano da escola. Para tanto, tomo como espa o-tempo de discuss o e reflex o sobre o assunto, tr¨ºs importantes situa es que vivenciamos na EMEF Padre Francisco Silva: o Festival da Amizade, a Caminhada Cidad e o Festival de Dan a e Express o Corporal. Considering the importance for the school to privilege the relations and interactions between all the subjects at the school, in its spaces and times, as well as the influence of these relations in the organization and functioning of the school unity, the present article intends to discuss about the influences, resonances and possibilities that these relations exercise in the actions of students and teachers at the school¡¯s quotidian. For such, I take as time-space of discussion and reflection about the question three important situation that we live at the ¡°Padre Francisco Silva¡±: the Friendship Festival, the Citizen Walk and Corporal Expression. Keywords Rela es interpessoais --- Rela o professor-aluno --- Movimento --- Interpersonal relations --- Teacher-student relation --- Movement %K Rela es interpessoais %K Rela o professor-aluno %K Movimento %K Interpersonal relations %K Teacher-student relation %K Movement %U http://www.fae.unicamp.br/etd/viewarticle.php?id=458&layout=abstract