%0 Journal Article %T Desigualdades ¨¦tnico-Raciais: Formula es identit¨˘rias e lutas por reconhecimento %A Wilson Oliveira %J Espacio Abierto %D 2012 %I Espacio Abierto Investigadores %X This article examines the importance of struggles for recognition in transforming conditions of ethnic and racial inequalities. The material used was collected during research into the community of afro-descendents Manoel do Rego (Cangu u - Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) and consisted of gathering information about community history, participant observation and interviews. Research has shown that changes in conditions of ethnic and racial inequality resulted from political processes of identity formulation based on the conversion of community members to Lutheranism and religious mediation. The article concludes that economic and status disadvantages and cultural disrespect are inseparable dimensions of struggles for recognition %U http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=12224818003