%0 Journal Article %T Growth Mode Study of MgCl2 on Ti (0001) and SiO2 under Ultra High Vacuum by XPS %A S. Karakalos %J Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research %D 2012 %I %X The growth mode of MgCl2 on Ti (0001) and on SiO2 grown on Si (100) was investigated by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) under UHV conditions. Magnesium chloride grows on both Ti (0001) single crystal and SiO2 following the Frank-van der Merve, (FM) growth mode. %K growth mode %K MgCl2 %K Ti(0001) %K SiO2 %K UHV %K XPS %U http://www.etasr.com/index.php/ETASR/article/download/231/147