%0 Journal Article %T 政府網站資訊呈現程序之探討 | The Analysis of Procedures to Information Dissemination of Government Websites %A 陳祥 Hsinag Chen %J Journal of Library and Information Science %D 2003 %I National Taiwan Normal University %X 頁次:106-112 我國各級政府機關Web網站之建置為電子化政府之重要環節,肩負政府公共資訊網路化與便民化服務之重大施政目標。本研究以深度訪談方式針對十個政府網站的資訊呈現程序進行分析,分別探討各機關之資訊發動權、資訊審核權、資訊篩選權等攸關政府公共資訊公開化之重要構面。研究結果顯示,各機關之資訊呈現流程相異,欠缺標準資訊處理程序,此外因電子化政府僅有政策,欠缺立法與預算的支持,因此目前公共資訊之呈現較難達成應有的目標。 The building of government Websites has been a key point to the success of e-governments, seen as the means to disseminate government information and services to the public. This study, employing techniques of in-depth interviews, analyzes ten government Websites in exploring the procedures of disseminating government information inside organizations. A few issues have been discussed, such as information activating right, information evaluating right, and information approving right, which are important dimensions in building a successful electronic government. The results show that a better and useful procedure and standard is needed to improve the efficiency inside each government agency. %U http://jlis.glis.ntnu.edu.tw/ojs/index.php/jlis/article/view/423