%0 Journal Article %T Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour of the gallbladder %A Kasim A Behranwala %A Peter Straker %A Andrew Wan %A Cyril Fisher %A Jeremy N Thompson %J World Journal of Surgical Oncology %D 2005 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1477-7819-3-24 %X We report a case of a 51 year-old female, who had excision of a gallbladder tumour. Histopathology showed it to be IMT of the gallbladder.The approach to these tumours should be primarily surgical resection to obtain a definitive diagnosis and relieve symptoms. IMT has a potential for local infiltration, recurrence and persistent local growth.Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour (IMT) is a rare benign lesion that has been discussed in various organs and tissues. They are well recognised in lung and upper respiratory tract of children and young adults with a predilection for first and second decade. Intra-abdominal forms of the disease are reported to occur most frequently in the liver, followed by stomach, bowel, spleen, mesentery [1] and extrahepatic bile duct [2]. The clinical presentation will vary on the site involved. We report a case of IMT of the gallbladder, which has not been previously described. A case of inflammatory pseudotumour of the gallbladder and bile ducts with synchronous lesion in the lung, has been described, which subsided on high-dose prednisolone therapy [3]. Another case of chronic cholecystitis with features of xanthogranulomatous inflammation due to the presence of a prominent inflammatory infiltrate composed of plasma cells, lymphocytes, macrophages, foamy histiocytes and huge fibroblastic and myofibroblastic proliferation was described by Corsi A et al [4].A 51-year-old female presented with history of acute right upper abdominal pain, localised abdominal signs and raised inflammatory markers. Ultrasound scanning suggested acute cholecystitis. The patient was explored initially by laparoscopy but converted to an open operation at the referring hospital. An irresectable mass, which was thought to be an advanced gallbladder carcinoma, was found. Several needle biopsies were taken from the tumour but the gallbladder was not excised. Histology of the biopsies showed features of IMT of the gallbladder. She developed obstructive jaundice posto %K inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour %K gallbladder tumour %U http://www.wjso.com/content/3/1/24