%0 Journal Article %T C車mo concebir lo educativo desde los objetivos de la clase en la ense anza m谷dica superior? How to conceive the educative aspect from the objectives of the class in higher medical education? %A Rafael Forteza Fern芍ndez %A Idania Hidalgo Batista %A Yudith Aguilera Serrano %A Maritza Ruiz Romero %J Educaciˋ3n Mˋˋdica Superior %D 2008 %I Editorial Ciencias M谷dicas %X Se present車 un an芍lisis de los fundamentos te車ricos acerca de c車mo educar a trav谷s de la clase y el papel que juega en dicho proceso la correcta redacci車n del objetivo de la clase. Como punto de partida se tomaron las dimensiones y funciones del proceso de ense anza-aprendizaje y la unidad de lo cognitivo y lo afectivo en la conducta de la personalidad. Se ofrecieron adem芍s, ejemplos de c車mo elaborar el objetivo para diferentes clases en diferentes especialidades de la educaci車n m谷dica superior. An analysis of the theoretical foundations on how to educate through the class and of the role played in such a process by the correct writing of the objective of the class is presented. The dimensions and functions of the teaching-learning process and the unit of the cognitive and the affective aspects in the personality behaviour were taken as a starting point. Examples of how to develop the objectives for different classes in various specialties of higher medical education were also given. %K Personalidad %K educaci車n %K desarrollo %K instrucci車n %K objetivo %K Personality %K education %K development %K instruction %K objective %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-21412008000300007