%0 Journal Article %T Representaciones bibliotecarias sobre la biblioteca p迆blica, la lectura, el lector, la promoci車n y la animaci車n a la lectura en Medell赤n, Colombia Library representations about the Public library, reading, the reader, and promotion and encouragement to reading in Medellin, Colombia %A Didier 芍lvarez Zapata %A Yicel Nayrobis Giraldo Giraldo %A Norfi Yamili Ocampo Molina %A Luz Marina Guerra Sierra %J Investigaci車n bibliotecol車gica %D 2009 %I UNAM, Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecol車gicas %X El art赤culo aborda las representaciones bibliotecarias sobre la biblioteca p迆blica, la lectura, el lector, la promoci車n y la animaci車n a la lectura que tienen los directores y promotores de lectura de las bibliotecas p迆blicas de la ciudad de Medell赤n. Library representations about Public library, reading, the reader, and promotion and encouragement to reading maintained by reading directors and promoters in the public libraries of the city of Medellin, are approached. %K Biblioteca p迆blica %K Promoci車n de la lectura %K Animaci車n a la lectura %K Lectura %K Lector %K Medell赤n %K Public library %K Reading promotion %K Reading encouragement %K Reading %K Reader %K Medellin %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0187-358X2009000300008