%0 Journal Article %T Factores de riesgo para adquirir VIH/SIDA en adolescentes escolarizados de Barranquilla, 2003 Risk factors to acquire HIV/AIDS in scholar teenagers from Barranquilla, 2003 %A Edgar Navarro Lechuga %A Rusvelt Vargas Morath %J Investigaci¨®n y Educaci¨®n en Enfermer¨ªa %D 2005 %I Universidad de Antioquia %X Objetivos Se determinaron factores de riesgo, conocimientos, actitudes, y pr¨¢cticas para contraer VIH/SIDA, en adolescentes de bachillerato de Barranquilla, durante julio - noviembre de 2003. Metodolog¨ªa Estudio descriptivo transversal. Mediante un muestreo biet¨¢pico, a trav¨¦s de un cuestionario tipo CAP, se encuestaron 751 adolescentes entre 14 y 19 a os, de los grados noveno, d¨¦cimo y und¨¦cimo, de colegios pertenecientes a los n¨²cleos educativos 2 y 4 de la ciudad. Resultados 42.8% del total de adolescentes no tienen conocimientoadecuado del tema, 1.2% de los hombres y 0.6% de las mujeres asumen actitudes de rechazo, 34.8% ya han tenido sexo, existe asociaci¨®n entre g¨¦nero y haber tenido m¨¢s de un compa ero(a) sexual y tener relaciones con desconocidos (p<0.05). La mayor¨ªa de hombres (73.9%) y mujeres (67.1%) no usan siempre el cond¨®n; 37.3% creen que no tienen riesgo de contraer VIH, y 34.6% no lo saben ni consideran que poseen factores de riesgo. Conclusiones Muchos adolescentes tienen conocimientos insuficientes sobre VIH/SIDA. Sus actitudes son de aceptaci¨®n de la enfermedad, con un manejo adecuado del tema, pero presentan factores de riesgo para infectarse y desconocen el riesgo real. Se necesita educar para modificar conductas de riesgo en esta poblaci¨®n. Palabras clave: Factores de riesgo, conocimientos, actitudes y pr¨¢cticas en salud, conductas del adolescente, VIH-SIDA, infecciones por VIH. Objectives There were determined: risk factors, knowledges, attitudes and practices in the teenagers of high school from the 2 and 4 nuclei between July and November of 2003, were determined. Methods Descriptive transversal study. Through a bietapic method, with a CAP formulary there were inquired 751 teenagers between 14 and 19 years in 9o, 10o and 11o grade from schools that belong to the 2 and 4 educational nuclei in Barranquilla. Results A 42.8% dont know exactly the related with HIV/AIDS, 1.2% males and 0.6% females have a refuse attitude for the condition. 34.8% said that they are not virgin, and there were found association between genre and to have had more than one sexual partner ant to have had relations with stranges (p<0.05) (22%). Majority of male (73.9%) and female (67.1%) don¡¯t use preservative everytime, 37.3% thinks that their risk of infection is nule and 34.6% don¡¯t know it, but many of them have risk factors. Conclussions Many teenagers don¡¯t have enough knowledge about AIDS-HIV, they have a good attitude in the managing of the theme, but they have risk factors to be infected unknowing their real risk. Is necessary to teach trough to mo %K Factores de riesgo %K conocimientos %K actitudes y pr¨¢cticas en salud %K conductas del adolescente %K VIH-SIDA %K infecciones por VIH %K Risk factors %K knowledge attitudes and health practices %K teenager¡®s behavior %K HIV-AIDS %K HIV infection %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0120-53072005000100004