%0 Journal Article %T Les affaissements miniers dans le bassin ferrif¨¨re lorrain : quand le territoire re-politise la gestion du risque %A Fran£¿ois Duch¨ºne %J D¨¦veloppement Durable et Territoires %D 2008 %I R¨¦seau D¨¦veloppement Durable et Territoires Fragiles %X Avec la fin de l¡¯extraction et la vente des cit¨¦s mini¨¨res, les affaissements miniers, de risques li¨¦s au travail se sont transform¨¦s en risques environnementaux. Les d¨¦gats miniers ¨¦taient trait¨¦s jusque-l¨¤ en interne par les exploitants, et ils sont donc devenus une affaire des services de l¡¯Etat lors de la remise des concessions mini¨¨res. Ce transfert a ¨¦t¨¦ particuli¨¨rement vif dans le bassin ferrif¨¨re lorrain, aux couches peu profondes et donc plus propice que d¡¯autres aux ph¨¦nom¨¨nes d¡¯affaissement. Les r¨¦actions locales ¨¤ ces effondrements ont ¨¦t¨¦ d¡¯autant plus virulentes qu¡¯elles touchaient un territoire en crise. Les services de l¡¯Etat ont avant tout cherch¨¦ ¨¤ apporter des r¨¦ponses techniques et sectorielles pour pr¨¦venir les risques. Or les affaissements ont fait bouger bien plus que les maisons. Ils ont mis en mouvement des acteurs locaux issus d¡¯une histoire politique, ¨¦conomique et sociale n¨¦e des mines et de la sid¨¦rurgie et meurtries par la d¨¦sindustrialisation. Au final, c¡¯est pr¨¦cis¨¦ment parce qu¡¯il y avait un contexte territorial sp¨¦cifique, avec la mobilisation de forces sociales encore charg¨¦es d¡¯une histoire toute proche, qu¡¯une dimension politique s¡¯est impos¨¦e dans la gestion et le traitement de ces risques. With the end of mining activity and the sale of miners¡¯ dwellings, the question of subsidence, hitherto an industrial hazard, became an environmental risk. The damage caused by mining, an issue previously addressed privately by the owners, became the responsibility of government services when mining concessions were handed over to the State. The handover was particularly delicate in the iron-ore basin of Lorraine, where the closeness of the ore to the surface made this area more liable to subsidence than others. Local reactions to the phenomenon were all the more heated as the territory was already in the throes of an economic crisis. The solutions sought by State services to safeguard against risk were primarily technical and sector-specific. However, it was not just houses that were ¡®moved¡¯ by the subsidence. It likewise provoked a reaction from local stakeholders who, with a political, economic and social heritage rooted in mining and the steel industry, had been bruised and battered by deindustrialisation. In the end, it was, in fact, due to a specific, territorial context, involving the mobilisation of social forces still deeply influenced by recent history, that the management and treatment of these risks took on a political dimension. %K Lorraine %K mining subsidence iron-ore basin %K mining risk %K Mining Risk Prevention Plan (PPRM) %K affaissement minier %K bassin ferrif¨¨re %K risque minier %K Plan de pr¨¦vention des risques miniers (PPRM) %U http://developpementdurable.revues.org/7073