%0 Journal Article %T PPARG POLYMORPHISMS AND THEIR ASSOCIATION WITH TYPE2 DIABETES IN SOUTH INDIAN POPULATION %A A.Krishna sailaja1* %J International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology %D 2010 %I IJPT %X Type2 Diabetes is highly prevalent in India. Several studies on Asian Indians have shown that they are characterized by higher insulin resistance, early onset type2 diabetes and hypertension. For a given BMI Indians have a higher percentage of body fat and more visceral fat than members of other population. The tendency of Indians to have higher percentage of body fat and central adiposity compared with other races may be programmed in utero. This thin fat phenotype is present at birth. Small size at birth coupled with subsequent obesity increases risk for insulin resistance syndrome in later life.Dietary modifications play an important role in initiation of insulin resistance syndrome. This may also lead to Type2 diabetes in Indianpopulation.The oil preferred for cooking India is considerably changes the ratio of W6/W3 fatty acids. A number of free fatty acids are PPARg activators. When individual with thrifty genotype are supplied energy rich food with reduction in physical activity there will be a greater prevalence of obesity, impaired glucosetolerance and type2 diabetes. PPARg activation enhances adipocyte differentiation make the people more obese. PPARg coordinates the thrifty response and urges the need for studying PPARg in Indians. Because this could explain the heterogeneity of insulin resistance and type2 diabetes in Indians. Aim of this study is to find out PPARg polymorphisms and their association with type2 diabetes in south Indian population.With the help of PCR and Sequencing the exonic regions were screened for PPARg polymorphisms.Statistically their association with type2 diabetes was studied. %K PPARg %K BMI %K RXR(retinoid X receptor) %K PPRES. %U http://www.ijptonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/623-633.pdf