%0 Journal Article %T A vila de Muros. Apuntes hist¨®ricos %A V¨¢zquez Vilanova %A Jos¨¦ Antonio %J Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos %D 2010 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient¨ªficas %X From the current situation it is difficult to be made a precise idea of the importance that ended up having the village of Muros in other times. On the other hand, we are before a peculiar case. While many small villages of the coast ended up with the step of the time to become important cities, here it happened just the opposite. For that reason it is important to stand out the true economic and demographic power that had in the past, but also to find the keys that marked treir road and that they gave the present moment as a result. The present study seeks to contribute to this purpose. [gl] Dende a situaci¨®n actual resulta dif¨ªcil facerse unha idea precisa da importancia que chegou a acadar a vila de Muros noutros tempos. Por outra banda, estamos ante un caso peculiar. Mentres moitas aldeas e pequenas vilas costeiras chegaron co tempo a convertirse en importantes cidades, semella que aqu¨ª sucedeu todo o contrario. Por iso ¨¦ importante resaltar o verdadeiro poder¨ªo econ¨®mico e demogr¨¢fico que tivo no pasado, pero tam¨¦n atopar as claves que marcaron a s¨²a traxectoria e que deron como resultado o momento presente. A tal prop¨®sito quixera contribuir o presente estudo. %K Modern and contemporary history of Galicia %K The Galician town of Muros %K Historia moderna y contempor¨¢nea de Galicia %K La villa Gallega de Muros %U http://estudiosgallegos.revistas.csic.es/index.php/estudiosgallegos/article/view/78/79