%0 Journal Article %T Herencias culturales desconocidas, el caso del patrimonio industrial mexicano %A Victoria Novelo Oppenheim %J Cuadernos de Antropolog赤a Social %D 2005 %I Universidad de Buenos Aires %X Si bien la noci車n de "patrimonio cultural" se ha transformado a lo largo de la historia reciente de M谷xico, 谷ste se refiere fundamentalmente al aprecio y conservaci車n de los monumentos y sitios de importancia en la vida prehisp芍nica y colonial del pa赤s. A pesar de algunos esfuerzos aislados, no se ha ampliado para incluir la preservaci車n y difusi車n de las herencias que dejaron las primeras etapas de formaci車n de un sistema de f芍bricas, tanto en forma f赤sica como intangible. La autora argumenta la necesidad de investigar con las herramientas y el m谷todo de la "arqueolog赤a industrial" un rico y desconocido patrimonio industrial que deber赤a, por los profundos cambios culturales que signific車 en la construcci車n de la nueva sociedad industrial mexicana y por tanto en las identidades culturales, ser considerado dentro del patrimonio cultural nacional y por tanto, investigado, registrado, preservado, difundido y vigilado. Although the concept of cultural heritage has changed along with history, in Mexico it involves primarily the conservation, appreciation and restoration of some of the great number of prehispanic and colonial monuments and sites. Some efforts have been made to expand the concept, basically from those studying the labor class culture or the history of architecture and technology so that it can include the industrial past, since the stage known as "Industrial Revolution" is a very meaningful heritage since it brought about very profound changes in the ways of life of the Mexican people and therefore, the Mexican society as a whole. The author of the article seeks that social scientists and cultural policies should give much more importance to the study, documentation, preservation and diffusion or that industrial heritage (tangible and intangible) with the help of "industrial archaeology" and its methods of research. %K Arqueolog赤a industrial %K Patrimonio %K Cultura %K Tecnolog赤a %K Trabajo %K Industrial archaeology %K Heritage %K Culture %K Technology %K Labor %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1850-275X2005000100003