%0 Journal Article %T Terceiro setor e interesses coletivos: as alternativas sociais na busca da cidadania %A Jos¨¦ Querino Tavares Neto %A Aline Ouriques Freire Fernandes %J Sequ¨ºncia : Estudos Juridicos e Politicos %D 2010 %I Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina %X Os interesses da coletividade s o a base, constituem as caracter¨ªsticas fundamentais do Terceiro Setor enquanto ator no exerc¨ªcio da Cidadania. A crise Constitucional e Institucional do Estado que n o alcan a com efic¨¢cia a sua fun o social ¨¦ o resultado do impacto causado pelos acontecimentos pol¨ªticos e econ micos no decorrer dos s¨¦culos, o que atribuiu aos legitimados da Sociedade Civil intensas demandas sociais que anteriormente eram de titularidade do pr¨®prio Estado. As reflex es deste artigo concentram-se na dimens o da atua o do terceiro setor, sua fun o social, seus mecanismos de trabalho e pol¨ªticas p¨²blicas utilizadas na busca dos caminhos que conduzam ¨¤ cidadania.Abstract:The interests of the community are the basis, the key features of the Third Sector as an actor in the exercising of citizenship. The crisis of the Constitutional and Institutional State that is not effectively reaching its social function is the result of the impact caused by political and economic events over the centuries which attributed to the legitimized of the Civil Society intense social demands that previously were belonging to the State itself. The reflections in this article are concentrated on the performance of the Third Sector, its social function, the mechanisms of work and public policies used in the search of the paths to citizenship. %K Terceiro setor %K Cidadania %K Interesses coletivos %K Third Sector %K Citizenship %K Collective Interests %U http://www.periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/sequencia/article/view/2177-7055.2010v31n60p371/15393