%0 Journal Article %T Caracteriza o da filosofia educacional do corpo docente da FUEL. Caracteriza o da filosofia educacional do corpo docente da FUEL. %A Zenite Terezinha Ribas C¨¦sar %A Alexandre do Esp¨ªrito Santo %A Maria Helena Silva O. Carvalho %J Semina : Ci¨ºncias Sociais e Humanas %D 2010 %I Universidade Estadual de Londrina %R 10.5433/ %X It is said that the characterization of the educational philosophy of a university teaching staff may help the departments, the centros, and the university itself in the processes of defining and producing their educational objectives. Thus, in order to find out which was the most representative educational-philosophic current in the university, an exploratory study was carried out. Twenty percent of the teaching staff participated in the study. A questionnaire with bipolar scales, based on the description of the educational-philosophic currents proposed by George F Kneller in Introduction to the Philosophy of Education (1966), was given to the teachers, who could express, in varying degrees, their approval or disapproval of any of the educational-philosophic principles. In order to avoid the "halo effect", the principles were not identified with their respective currents. The results showed PROGRESSIVISM and PERENNIALISM (each favored by 212 of the participants) to be the educational-philosophic currents most representative of the modus operandi of the teaching staff of F.U.E.L. RECONSTRUCTIONISM and ESSENTIALISM constituted the second and third positions respectively. The principle of "progressivism", wich best characterizes the didactic thought of the teaching staff, is: "Considering that the individual learns according to his own ways and interests, the teacher's task is to command, but to guide the apprenticeship ". Acredita-se que a caracteriza o de filosofia educacional de um corpo docente universit¨¢rio possa subsidiar os departamentos, os centros e a pr¨®pria universidade nos processos de defini o e operacionaliza o dos seus objetivos educacionais. Com esse fim efetuou-se um estudo explorat¨®rio na Funda o Universidade Estadual de Londrina, do qual participaram vinte por cento do seu corpo docente. Baseado na descri o das correntes fllos¨®fico-educacionais propostas por George F. Kneller em sua obra Introdu o ¨¤ Filosofia da Educa o (1966) organizou-se um question¨¢rio com escalas bipolares, que permitiu a cada respondente expressar sua aprova o ou desaprova o, em graus diversos, a cada um dos princ¨ªpios filos¨®fico-educacionais. No instrumento, os princ¨ªpios n o eram identificados com as respectivas correntes, a fim de se evitar o "efeito de Halo". O trabalho apresenta os princ¨ªpios dominantes tanto na Universidade como nas ¨¢reas de estudo, nas categorias "concordo muito", "discordo muito", e nas intermedi¨¢rias. Verificou-se que a corrente filos¨®fico-educacional mais representativa do modus operandi do corpo docente da Universidade ¨¦ da PROG %U http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/seminasoc/article/view/7280