%0 Journal Article %T The university with conditions La universidad con condiciones %A Jos谷 Mar赤a Ripalda Crespo %J Athenea Digital %D 2013 %I Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona %X The model of the national university is being substituted by that of the global university. At the same time, new dogmas that appear with economic labels are being imposed. All this is accompanied by important cultural changes. The Spanish university was one of the instances that was taken care of by the post-Francoist regime. Now, this regime feels strong against it, and on the other hand this university 每 as the whole of the productive structure 每 requires a reform. It is not expected that this reform will go in the direction of the university having more social presence, but rather more presence of companies. It is neither expected that it will imply more internal democracy, but more discipline. All resistance or alternative has to take into account the new situation and join the still dispersed forces that still have, however, a constitutive capacity. El modelo de universidad nacional est芍 siendo sustituido por el de universidad global. A la vez se imponen nuevos dogmas bajo r車tulos econ車micos, mientras se operan, al parecer espont芍neamente, cambios culturales importantes. La universidad espa ola fue una de las instancias que el r谷gimen post-franquista cuid車; ahora ese r谷gimen se siente fuerte frente a ella y por otra parte esa universidad 〞como toda la estructura productiva〞 requiere una reforma. No est芍 previsto que esa reforma vaya exactamente en el sentido de una mayor presencia social, sino empresarial, ni en el de una mayor democracia interna, sino de un mayor disciplinamiento. Toda resistencia o alternativa debe tener en cuenta la nueva situaci車n y hacer frente com迆n con fuerzas a迆n dispersas, pero de capacidad constituyente. %K Universidad Global %K Econom赤a %K Empresa %K Democracia %K Disciplinamiento %K Alternativas %U http://psicologiasocial.uab.es/athenea/index.php/atheneaDigital/article/view/1066