%0 Journal Article %T Lietuvos region ekonominio dinami kumo vertinimas Assessment of Economic Dynamism in the Regions of Lithuania %A £¿ivil£¿ Gedminait£¿-Raudon£¿ %J Science ¨C Future of Lithuania %D 2011 %I Vilnius Gediminas Technical University %R 10.3846/mla.2011.073 %X Pastaruoju metu regionin je politikoje ypa daug d mesio skiriama region konkurencingumui. Priimant Lietuvos kaimo politikos sprendimus, region grupavimas pagal ekonominio konkurencingumo rodiklius taip pat labai aktualus. Kuriant region tipologijas, valdymo tikslams ie koma nauj kriterij ir rodikli , padedan i atskleisti region ekonominio potencialo skirtumus. Straipsnyje pristatomi tyrimo, skirto vertinti Lietuvos kaimi k j region tipologij (pagal ekonomin dinami ku-m ) atitikt kaimo politikos tikslams, rezultatai. Tyrimas parod , kad EBPO propaguojamas region ekonominio dinami kumo kriterijus, matuojamas u imt j dalies (15¨C64 m. am iaus gyventoj skai iaus) augimu regione, dabartiniame Lietuvos kaimo raidos etape neatspindi reali kaimi k j region ekonomini problem . Priimant su Lietuvos region ekonomikos aktyvinimu susijusius kaimo politikos sprendimus, tur t b¨±ti atliekami i samesni tyrimai, padedantys atskleisti prie astis, formuojan ias ekonominio konkurencingumo skirtumus regionuose.Straipsnis lietuvi kalba Competiveness of regions is one of the most important policies formulating regional policy. The new focus on the specific fea-tures of the region and its competiveness encourages using the regional policy measures reflective of broader conception of the rural countryside. The new rural policy targeting and monitoring needs for typologies taking into account the diversity of rural regions. While creating region typologies for policy goals, it was essential to find new criteria and indicators for the measurement of the rural region¡¯s economic potential. The economic dyna-mism becomes an important indicator of the region¡¯s economic potential proposed by OECD organisation. This paper examines methodology to build a typology of economic dynamism for rural regions of Lithuania relevant for rural policy purposes. The re-search results shows that suggested typology based on economic dynamism, which is measured by the number of employed in all population aged 15¨C64, at this period is not suitable methodologi-cal tool for classification of rural regions in Lithuania. Article in Lithuanian %K typologies %K rural policy %K regional policy %K economic dynamism %U http://www.mla.vgtu.lt/index.php/mla/article/view/300