%0 Journal Article %T El Asesor Sanitario en la European Union Training Mission Somalia The Medical Adviser in the European Union Training Mission Somalia %A J.M. Relanz車n L車pez %J Sanidad Militar %D 2012 %I Ministerio de Defensa %X La European Union Training Mission Somalia (EUTM Somalia) tiene la finalidad de la preparaci車n y entrenamiento del ej谷rcito somal赤 leal al Gobierno Federal de Transici車n. En ella participan 150 militares de la Uni車n Europea, 37 de ellos espa oles, por ser Espa a la naci車n l赤der, entre los que se incluye el Asesor Sanitario, cuya funci車n fundamental es establecer los planes de gesti車n de las contingencias sanitarias, las evacuaciones m谷dicas y la medicina preventiva. La misi車n se desarrolla en Uganda, naci車n centroafricana con numerosos riesgos sanitarios, entre los que se destaca la alta incidencia de enfermedades transmitidas por artr車podos, SIDA, aguas no tratadas, calidad de los servicios sanitarios lejos de los est芍ndares europeos y circulaci車n peligrosa por el mal estado de las carreteras. A todo esto hay que a adir el riesgo de accidentes propio de un campamento militar. The European Training Mission Somalia (EUTM Somalia) is aimed to the preparation and training of the Somali Army loyal to the Transitional Federal Government. It involves 150 military men belonging to the European Union, 37 of them are Spanish, and Spain is the leading nation. Among them is the Medical Adviser whose key role is to establish plans to manage health contingencies, medical evacuations and preventive medicine. The mission takes place in Uganda, nation located in Central Africa, with many health hazards, among which highlights the high incidence of arthropod-borne diseases, AIDS, untreated water, quality of health services away from European standards and risky traffic because the poor road net conditions. On top of this, must be added the risk of accidents typical of a military camp. %K Asesor sanitario %K European Union Training Mission Somalia. (EUTM Somalia) %K Medical Adviser %K European Union Training Mission Somalia (EUTM Somalia) %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1887-85712012000100010