%0 Journal Article %T DETERMINACI¨®N DE ALGUNOS PAR¨¢METROS HEMATOL¨®GICOS, PRUEBAS DE COAGULACI¨®N Y GRUPO SANGU¨ªNEO EN UNA COMUNIDAD UNIVERSITARIA %A Marelvy %A Sanoja %J Salud, Arte y Cuidado %D 2011 %I Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado %X With the purpose of characterizing the members of the UNELLEZ community, Guanare, some hematologics parameters, tests of clotting, blood group and Rh factor were determined through a field, non-experimental, descriptive investigation with an accidental sampling, developed from January 2005 to December 2009. The taking of samples was carried out at first hours of the morning in the Laboratory of Biochemistry. 3.190 blood samples were processed. The samples belonged to students, workers, employees and professors that attended in a voluntary way. Tests of complete hematology (hemoglobin, hematocrit, leukocyte accounts, differential recount, platelet count and speed of globular sedimentation), tests of clotting (time of protrombin and time of partial tromboplastin), blood group and Rh factor were carried out. The analysis of data consisted of descriptive statistic, correlation of Pearson and test of independence of Chi-square (x2). It was determined that the sample in its majority was in the reference ranges. A small percentage of the sample presented low values of hemoglobin which indicates tendency to suffer of anemia, a smaller percentage of it presented leukocytosis that suggests predisposition to present some infection type. Almost half of the sample showed high VSG values that indicates tendency to suffer of some inflammatory or infectious process. Most of the patients belong to the blood group O, in smaller proportion to the group A, B and AB. The great majority presented positive Rh factor and only a low percentage the negative Rh. A low percentage showed high values of TP and TPT, which suggests alterations of the system of clotting. It was found a highly significant correlation (P <0,01) among leukocyte accounts, segmented and linfocits, as well as between hemoglobin and hematocrit. There was not significant correlation (P>0,05) among sex, occupation and the other parameters evaluated in the university community. %K complete hematology %K parameters hematologics %K VSG %K blood group %K Rh factor %U http://bibmed.ucla.edu.ve/db/psm_ucla/edocs/SAC0401/SAC040105.pdf