%0 Journal Article %T Mathematical activities in Spain during Civil War %A Gonz¨¢lez Redondo %A Francisco A. %J Asclepio : Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia %D 2011 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient¨ªficas %X The process of convergence of Spanish Mathematics with European science had reached its highest moment towards the beginning of the summer of 1936. The civil war consequent to the 18th of July military plot caused a rupture in such a fruitful process. In this paper different remarks are introduced about the mathematical activities that, surprisingly enough, were developed by our scientists during those complicated years. El proceso de convergencia con la ciencia europea de la Matem¨¢tica espa ola hab¨ªa logrado situarla en su momento de mayor esplendor de la historia a las puertas del verano de 1936. La Guerra Civil consecuencia de la rebeli¨®n militar del 18 de julio supondr¨¢ la brutal ruptura de ese proceso tan fruct¨ªfero. En este trabajo se presentan diferentes consideraciones en torno a la actividad matem¨¢tica que, sorprendentemente, consiguieron mantener nuestros cient¨ªficos durante esos complicados a os. %K Spanish Science %K Mathematics %K Civil war %K Scientific Institutions %K 20th Century Spain %K Ciencia espa ola %K Matem¨¢tica %K Guerra civil %K Instituciones cient¨ªficas %K Espa a siglo XX %U http://asclepio.revistas.csic.es/index.php/asclepio/article/view/491/493