%0 Journal Article %T INTOXICACION POR HERBICIDA Y EL USO DE LA TIAMINA. UN ESTUDIO EXPERIMENTAL %A P¨¦rez-P¨¦rez Elizabeth %A Calder¨®n de Cabrera Lourdes %A Rodr¨ªguez-Malaver Antonio %A Dmitrieva Natalia %J Salud, Arte y Cuidado %D 2012 %I Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado %X Pesticide poisoning, accidental or intentional self-poisoning is a signi cant problem in many parts of the developing world. Paraquat is a compound that has been widely used as a non-selective contact herbicide since 1962. Ingestion of paraquat is a signi cant method ofself-poisoning in parts of Asia, Paci c islands, and Caribbean. Ingestion of large amounts is considered to be uniformly fatal, resulting in death from multi-organ; however, in smaller quantities, paraquat is speci cally taken up into and accumulates in the lung, and the redox cycling and free radical generation triggers a eutrophil-mediated in ammatory response in the lungs which initiates an irreversible brotic process that kills the majority of patientswithin several weeks. In this work, was studied the ability of thiamine to protect against Paraquat (PQ)-induced mortality and oxidative damage in rat liver. The medial lethal dose (LD50) for PQ was 32 mg/kg of body weight within 48 h. When thiamine (100 mg/kg) wasadministrated to PQ-treated rats, mortality was not observed. However, thiamine at 200 mg/kg did not modify mortality. For the oxidative stress study, the liver was obtained 24 h after Q-treatment and thiobarbituric acid reactive ubstances (TBARS) were measured.PQ induced a signi cant increase in TBARS levels and thiamine prevented this increase %K antioxidant %K oxidative stress %K paraquat %K thiamine %U http://bibmed.ucla.edu.ve/DB/psm_ucla/edocs/sac0501/SAC050104.pdf