%0 Journal Article %T Effect of equine-assisted therapy on the postural balance of the elderly Efeito da equoterapia no equil¨ªbrio postural de idosos %A Thais B. Araujo %A N¨¦lida A. Silva %A Juliana N. Costa %A Marcio M. Pereira %J Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy %D 2011 %I Associa??o Brasileira de Pesquisa e P¨®s-Gradua??o em Fisioterapia %X OBJECTIVE: To determine whether equine-assisted therapy (hippotherapy) produces alterations in the balance of the elderly. METHODS: The sample included 17 older adults who were divided into experimental (7 subjects) and control (10 subjects) groups. Stabilometry data were acquired with a force platform. The Timed Up and Go test (TUG) was used for clinical analysis of seated balance, transfer from a seated to a standing position, walking stability and changes in gait. Sixteen equine-assisted therapy sessions were carried out. RESULTS: Mann-Witney was used to compare the means between groups and no significant differences were found in the analyzed stabilometric parameters. In intragroup comparison with the Wilcoxon test, a significant increase in the variables COPy and Area (p=0.02) was observed. Equine-assisted therapy significantly affected (p=0.04) TUG test means between the experimental and control groups (Mann-Witney). Intragroup TUG test means were also significantly affected (p=0.04) according to the Wilcoxon test. CONCLUSIONS: Because senescence tends to normalize stabilometric measures, the number of equine-assisted therapy sessions was insufficient to determine any differences. Nevertheless, the significant improvement in TUG test scores demonstrates that this treatment frequency was a predictor of reduced fall risk in the elderly. Article registered in the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) under number ACTRN12610000534088. OBJETIVO: Verificar se a equoterapia ¨¦ capaz de produzir altera es no equil¨ªbrio de idosos. M¨¦TODOS: Desenvolveu-se um estudo experimental controlado. A amostra foi composta de 17 idosos, divididos em grupo experimental (GE), sete sujeitos e grupo controle (GC), dez sujeitos. A aquisi o dos dados da estabilometria foi realizada por meio da plataforma de for a da marca AMTI (Force Measurement Systems). Para an¨¢lise cl¨ªnica do equil¨ªbrio sentado, transfer¨ºncias de sentado para a posi o em p¨¦, estabilidade na deambula o e mudan as do curso da marcha, utilizou-se o teste Timed Up and Go (TUG). Foram realizadas 16 sess es de equoterapia. RESULTADOS: Na compara o das m¨¦dias entre os grupos por meio do teste de Mann-Whitney, n o houve diferen a significativa nos parametros estabilom¨¦tricos analisados. J¨¢ na compara o das m¨¦dias intragrupo por meio do teste de Wilcoxon, verificou-se aumento significante sobre as vari¨¢veis COPy e ¨¢rea (p=0,02). Nas m¨¦dias entre o GE e o GC, por meio do teste de Mann-Whitney para an¨¢lise do teste TUG, verificou-se efeito significante (p=0,04) da equoterapia. Na compara o %K equoterapia %K equil¨ªbrio postural %K idosos %K fisioterapia %K reabilita o %K equine-assisted therapy %K postural balance %K elderly %K physical therapy %K rehabilitation %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1413-35552011000500012